Why are Designer Drugs So Dangerous?

There are many different types of drugs on the market these days such as prescription drugs, illicit drugs, and designer drugs.

Why is Self-Care an Important Aspect of Recovery?

We are taught in recovery to stop being so selfish and we use our recovery tools to do our best to stop.

Does Our Cell Phone Frequency Change our Mood?

It is pretty safe to say that most people are fixated with their phones much of the time. Technology has made your cell phone to be everything that you need it to be right in the palm of your hand.

Which Came First: Optimism or Pessimism

The question that needs to be answered is how optimism and pessimism forms originally within a person.

What are the 5 Rules of Recovery for Therapy?

People that need help for addiction often seek recovery at rehabilitation facilities that use therapy as part of their recovery process.

Can I Start My New Year’s Resolutions Over?

During the New Year it can be pretty standard that people make New Year’s resolutions with the perspective – new year, new goals.

What Happens To Your Body When You Blackout?

What Happens To Your Body When You Blackout?

A 2002 study from Duke University suggested that about half the students at that university reported having at least one alcohol-induced blackout during which they lost time.

Sober or a Dry Drunk?

Sober or a Dry Drunk?

Addiction is a deep seeded, progressive and chronic disease. It impacts every aspect of an individual’s life, physically, mentally, emotionally and more.

Rock Bottom

Rock Bottom

It’s difficult to define a subjective term like rock bottom because it’s different for everyone, but anyone who is close to addiction knows about this concept.

Loving an Addict

Loving an Addict

Loving an addict can be one of the most difficult and gut wrenching experiences in life.