Where is my Higher Power?

Where is my Higher Power?

Since the late 1930’s, the 12-Step recovery practices have consistently gained momentum for getting people that are addicted to drugs and alcohol to stay sober. One of the main suggestions for staying sober is to find your own conception of a Higher Power.

National Prescription Drug Take Back Day

National Prescription Drug Take Back Day

April 30, 2022 is DEA Drug Take Back Day. It is the goal of the National Prescription Drug Take Back Day to make it easy for people to get rid of their unused or unwanted prescription drugs while also raising awareness of how easily these drugs can be abused.

To the Person Who Chooses to Love Someone With An Anxiety Disorder

To the Person Who Chooses to Love Someone With An Anxiety Disorder

We know we’re hard to love. Our anxiety inhibits us from being the partner we truly want to be sometimes. But that doesn’t mean we love you any less or we don’t want to work to be better– for ourselves, for you, for us.

Functional Alcoholic

Functional Alcoholic

When most people hear the word "alcoholic," pictures of chaos and drama usually spring to mind. Images of impoverished people begging for money on the side of the road with no work and alienated families come to mind frequently.

 "I Was A Child With Undiagnosed OCD"

"I Was A Child With Undiagnosed OCD"

I would say this to each and every bite of food that I took. I was 5 years old. Eating meals was stressful. I believed my food was scared and I didn’t want to cause it harm, so I needed to reassure each bite that it would be safe inside my tummy.

6 Tips to Make Easter Fun in Sobriety

6 Tips to Make Easter Fun in Sobriety

Easter Sunday is approaching, and regardless of your religious beliefs or lack thereof, Easter and spring in general are all about rebirth. You may still find significance in Easter if you don't originate from (or no longer identify with) a religious tradition that celebrates the occasion. 

Spring Cleansing

Spring Cleansing

Spring is a time for clearing out what no longer serves you. As the sun feels like a nice interruption, Spring is full of change: color, smells, texture. A time of creation and preparation. If you are feeling overwhelmed, fearful or anxious, the symbolism of Spring is perfect for you!

The Names We Give Ourselves, Part II

The Names We Give Ourselves, Part II

When I imagine Seuss writing, I picture him enjoying the art - flowed out of him. It was not forced. But, until I was in my late thirties, that concept evaded me. Self-compassion was not winning.

To the Person Who is Fearful of Medications

To the Person Who is Fearful of Medications

By Brianna Riddlebarger

“I know that I need help, but…I don’t want to take medications” 

This is a very, very common phrase communicated by individuals who know there’s something that’s not working, but are afraid of what the interventions may be.

The Names We Give Ourselves, Part I

The Names We Give Ourselves, Part I

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”

Happy Birthday by Dr. Seuss

Life During Change by Brianna Riddlebarger

Life During Change by Brianna Riddlebarger

Perhaps the most common statement you hear about the year 2020 was how quickly the year passed. There's no doubt that when life is filled with rapid change in a short amount of time, the concept of time becomes lost.

Life After Death by Narges Maududi

Life After Death by Narges Maududi

Death and loss are not unfamiliar to Narges. Narges was born in Kabul, Afghanistan, and experienced her first loss at three months old when her father was imprisoned and later understood to have been killed during the Russian Invasion in 1979.