Finding Hope (1/2)

Finding Hope (1/2)

The first stages of recovery can be dark, depressing and confusing, which is why finding hope is so important to motivate an addict to continue treatment. The idea of hope is simple - it is the desire, understanding or expectation that an individual’s life will get better in the future. 

Finding Hope (2/2)

Finding Hope (2/2)

Managing Your Mental Health During the Holiday Season

Set realistic expectations. People compare the current year to previous years throughout the holiday season, yet, life evolves. We cannot expect the holidays to be the same as they were previously, especially given the current epidemic. Set reasonable expectations for yourself and your holiday plans. Don't make comparisons to previous years. Concentrate on what you can do to make this holiday season as enjoyable as possible.

Depression is Not a Choice, but a Curable Mental Disorder (2/2)

Depression is Not a Choice, but a Curable Mental Disorder (2/2)

How Depression Affects People's Personal Lives

Depression victims go through their lives feeling low and rejected, and it can happen to anyone regardless of their circumstances - depression attacks no matter a person’s mental state. It could be a simple moment or event in someone’s life that has a particularly negative impact. Memories of the moment or event stick in a person’s mind which slowly leads to obsession and if not treated or corrected in time, an eventual state of depression.

Sticky Relationships For Everyone

Sticky Relationships For Everyone

In today's world, the family remains the major source of bonding, nurturing, and socialization for humans. As a result, the impact of psychological pain associated with substance use disorders (SUDs) or mental illness on families and individual family members is worth considering.

Depression is Not a Choice, but a Curable Mental Disorder (1/2)

Depression is Not a Choice, but a Curable Mental Disorder (1/2)

And have you ever heard someone decide that they were going to be happy or sad on any given day? How can anyone pre-determine or have full and total control over their feelings? 

Does Addiction Affect Your Personality and Behavior?

Does Addiction Affect Your Personality and Behavior?

Addiction not only changes personality, but also has a significant effect on the victim’s personal and professional relationships, as well as other essential aspects of life. When gripped by addiction, be it drug or alcohol related, victims often present a totally different personality - nothing like what they used to be before the addiction took over. There are many warning signs of drug addiction that one can see in someone who is struggling.

Benefits of Outpatient Treatment

Benefits of Outpatient Treatment

There are several treatment options available for people suffering from substance use disorder. The question is, which one would be more appropriate for your lifestyle? This decision should not be taken lightly since choosing a rehabilitation location might be one of the most important decisions a person will make in their lifetime.

Warning Signs of Drug and/or Alcohol Abuse in Young People

Warning Signs of Drug and/or Alcohol Abuse in Young People

While there are millions of books and articles about parenting children, there is no one-size-fits-all strategy for success. You do everything you can to raise your child right and provide them with every chance they deserve, but they might easily go down the wrong road. 

What is Geriatric Depression? (2/2)

What is Geriatric Depression? (2/2)

Part 2 is all about how to support an older loved one who is depressed, as well as how Geriatric Depression is treated. 

Depression is a medical disorder that needs medical attention. While family and friends can assist in the search for treatment, they are unable to address a person's depression. 

What is Geriatric Depression? (1/2)

What is Geriatric Depression? (1/2)

When a person matures into the senior years of their life, they may develop feelings of sorrow and melancholy that derive out of the aging process. Depression in the elderly can occur, but it is not a natural component of the aging process. While most individuals go through bouts of sadness, depression is a medical illness that can be treated.

Porn Addiction: How Dangerous is It? (3/3)

Porn Addiction: How Dangerous is It? (3/3)

About the line drawn between a healthy and an unhealthy relationship with porn usage, withdrawal symptoms and treatment approaches - treatment options for porn addiction and when porn usage is considered harmful.

4 Misconceptions that People in Recovery Convince Themselves are the Truth

4 Misconceptions that People in Recovery Convince Themselves are the Truth

Seeing someone battle addiction is just like that - one day, they may be crying about how miserable their life is and they need to stop drinking or using and then the next day, they do not need any help and are sure they are only enduring some bad luck. This type of yo-yo thinking creates dishonesty that people who abuse substances will convince themselves that they are telling the truth regardless of any deceit.