
Humans are made for relationships.
According to author and psychology professor Mitch Prinstein PhD theory in Popular: The Power of Likability in a Status-Obsessed World, "When they're reliant on others for their sense of self, only feeling good if they get positive feedback from makers of status, they're at risk for depression." Solstice educates, trains, and practices skills like teamwork and cognitive flexibility. Participants in the program report fewer hours scrolling for validation. Patients learn to create shared experiences—closeness—rather than waiting for or expecting such from another. Our experience in care for families helps patients develop new habits that fulfill and generate neural pathways for resilience at home, school, or work.
Patients and their families are introduced to varied perspectives, discourses, timetables, breathing patterns, and solutions to catastrophizing or emotional reasoning. According to Brianna Riddlebarger, Solstice Physician Assistant, "Change and growth is vulnerable and can feel very risky… but befriending your internal locus of control leads to accepting that you're capable of positive change. Crossing the threshold from what was to what is takes bravery." Solstice walks their customer through a 300-page Success Handbook during the 90-day integrative psychiatry program, reviving the skills of reading, writing, art, and... uncomfortable group discussion. Participants in the program laugh and rest but most of the time is spent practicing new skills which take dedication.
Today, Solstice, calls for a reset. "When a machine isn't functioning optimally, the operator takes pause, takes inventory, and carefully resolves the problem before inefficiency, injury, or systemic degradation take effect," says Narges Maududi, one of Solstice Southwest Licensed Clinical Social Workers. "Our program staff, and patients alike, understand that in 2023 everyone is trending towards some robot-like behavior. Without interruption we can all take our corners and avoid eye contact. People are hurting because they want to be aloof, but they also want to be seen."
What stands out about the Solstice practice of medicine is the interdisciplinary team. They apply Psychiatrist Dr. William Glasser's Choice Theory, which says human motivation centers around five needs, but to differing degrees by person: Survival, Love & Belonging, Power, Freedom, Fun. These needs are incorporated into the recovery of the screen-dependent patient to help modify behavior and restore a sense of self.
"We call the space and time spent with us reset and rise," Maududi continues.
Solstice educates families through their proprietary Solstice 360 care plans, and shortly into the work, participants are in the habit of noticing how and when dopamine and other neurotransmitters come on the scene.
According to Ken Duckworth, M.D., Chief Medical Officer of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, any fraying of connectivity can trigger addictive behaviors (alcohol, painkillers, drugs, porn, gambling). Solstice's response is to limit an assignment to a short burst of time. Take a break. Then, another task for a short burst. The blend builds self-trust and trust for others, and it also helps restore neural pathways that have lost traction. Britten Devereux, Solstice CEO, reflects, "Addiction and mental disorders are feedback that some skills need to increase. Ignored, individuals suffering can identify themselves by their feelings, underestimate their strengths and isolate. Our bodies and brains don't love quick fixes. We are finding that when consumers dedicate time in the system we've developed, they feel better."
Solstice Southwest offers a variety of services. You will need more information. Please start with an assessment then we can offer recommendations for treatment based on your goals.